Manufacturer Sony Will Produce 3D TV tech 2010

In our world know the manufacturer of one brand of  TV is Sony, sony is a television producer who had long in development with Sony Corp. will launch RealD television ready 3D technology at the upcoming 2010.

New Year 2010 is in sight, this means that in the near future electronic devices will enliven the recent global electronics market. Starting from computers, monitors, gadgets, mobile phones to television. Such as 3D television technology that Sony would have released this time.

According to information, Sony Corp., maker licensees 3D television finally is ready to present a new television 3D tech-based company made the United States, RealD.

Although so far Sony has not announced detailed specs on television offered new output is 3D, but 3D TV output seems Sony is going to pound the global electronics market with the promised ability to display three-dimensional image that is very satisfying and pamper your eyes.

In addition, until now Sony has not announced the price and exactly when they will land a new television it. But most likely, the latest 3D television Sony's output would be released in the near future.

Sony also stated that the cooperation was doing with RealD will be a resurrection of the era of 3D technology on a home television. So for you fans of 3D technology, the latest television output is worth your Sony lyrics.

If you are one user of the product from the manufacturer sony, can wait out the latest TV products with 3D technology.
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